Windows Screen

by Voodoo Editor
2 years ago

Table of Contents

    Windows Screen

    Screen settings are made in this step. It is optimized for the robot.

  • General Information
  • Parameter Description
    Name The name of windows screen step. (Compulsory)
    Description The description of windows screen step. (Not Compulsory)
  • Region
  • Parameter Description
    Related Flow Image The using image during this step. (Compulsory)
  • Action
  • Parameter Description
    Region Selection Method Adjusting the screen parameters as robot want.
  • Time Settings
  • Parameter Description
    Maximum Step Duration The maximum time to the end of completion. (Compulsory)
    Wait Duration After Operation The wait time to pass next step.(Compulsory)
  • Scenario Flow
  • Parameter Description
    Step Routing Method Indicates the step flow type. (Compulsory)

    Ordered The flow type to continue sequentially.
    Condition Based The flow type to continue conditionally.

    • Step To Run On Success
    • This step turns to another step on success. You can choose End to terminate the scenario step.

    • Step To Run On Fail
    • This step turns to another step on fail. You can choose End to terminate the scenario step.