Listener E-Mail

by Voodoo Editor
2 years ago

Table of Contents

Listener E-Mail

It enables the robot to retrieve unread e-mails without getting information from the interface and to save them in the specified directory as .eml.

  • General Information
  • Parameter Description
    Name The name of listener e-mail step. (Compulsory)
    Description The description of listener e-mail step. (Not Compulsory)
  • Region
  • Parameter Description
    Related Flow Image The using image during this step. (Compulsory)
  • Action
  • Parameter Description
    Action Relevant Server, Port, Socket, and Protocol information must be entered. Only the “Save to Directory” option is active in the action section. The “Import and Add to Worklist” option will be added later.
    In the e-mail account information field, the Username and Password of the relevant e-mail are entered.
  • Time Settings
  • Parameter Description
    Maximum Step Duration The maximum time to the end of completion to find the image. If the image cannot found on the screen or the selected region, this step will not verified. (Compulsory)
    Wait Duration After Operation The wait time to pass next step to find the image. (Compulsory)
  • Scenario Flow
  • Parameter Description
    Step Flow Indicates the step flow type. (Compulsory)

    Ordered The flow type to continue sequentially.
    Conditional The flow type to continue conditionally.

    • Step to Run On Success
    • This step continues to another step when on success. You can choose End to terminate the scenario step.

    • Step to Run On Fail
    • This step continues to another step when on fail. You can choose End to terminate the scenario step.