Rest Web Service Consumer

by Voodoo Editor
2 years ago

Table of Contents

    Rest Web Service Consumer

  • General Information
  • Parameter Description
    Name The name of rest web service consumer step. (Compulsory)
    Description The description of step. (Not Compulsory)
  • Region
  • Parameter Description
    Related Flow Image The using image during this step. (Compulsory)
  • Action
  • This field plays a role in configuring the configuration settings for the related rest service.
    Parameters are like below;

    Parameter Description
    Endpoint This parameter is the relevant link connection parameter for data exchange to be used in rest service consumption.
    Method It is the required method(GET, POST, PUT, UPDATE etc.) parameter for rest service usage.
    Input In this field, there are input values entered for rest service consumption.
    Output Area: Data Source Adhering to the endpoint part of the service, it is the parameter that sets the information in which data source area the data that comes as a result of the input parameters will be stored.
    Output Area: Data Field It is the parameter that sets the information in which data field the data coming from the rest service will be stored in the data source.
  • Time Settings
  • Parameter Description
    Maximum Step Duration The maximum time to the end of completion. (Compulsory)
    Wait Duration After Operation The wait time to pass next step.(Compulsory)
  • Scenario Flow
  • Parameter Description
    Step Routing Method Indicates the step flow type. (Compulsory)

    Ordered The flow type to continue sequentially.
    Condition Based The flow type to continue conditionally.

    • Step To Run On Success
    • This step turns to another step on success. You can choose End to terminate the scenario step.

    • Step To Run On Fail
    • This step turns to another step on fail. You can choose End to terminate the scenario step.