Unified Console Installation / Uninstallation

by onezero
3 years ago

Table of Contents

How to Install / Uninstall Voodoo Orchestrator

System Requirements

Desired minimum system requirements for VooDoo RPA Unified Console (Orchestrator) setup:
CPU: 6 cores
RAM: 12 GB
Storage Space: 240 GB (That space is suggested for 3 Voodoo Robots Setup. Which can show differences according to robots’ workload.)


1. Double-click the installation file (.exe) to start the installation and click “I Agree”.

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step - 1

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step – 1

2. Choose installation location. To change installation location, use “Browse” button. Then, click “Next”.

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step - 2

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step – 2

3. Define Web Server Apache Port and MySql Database Port. If you think that these ports in use, you can change. Then, click “Install”

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step - 3

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step – 3

4. After installation process complete, you can close installation window by clicking “Close” button.

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step – 4

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step – 4

5. Also, if installation process complete successfully, Voodoo Unified Console will open automatically with your default browser. Check this page for Voodoo Orchestrator’s features.

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step – 5

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Installation Step – 5


1. Go to Voodoo UC installation root folder. Then, double-click Uninstall.exe to start uninstallation process.

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Uninstallation Step - 1

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Uninstallation Step – 1

2. Click to “Uninstall”.

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Uninstallation Step – 2

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Uninstallation Step – 2

3. During unistallation process, windows servicess will be stopped automatically. To continue unistallation process, press Any Key.

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Uninstallation Step – 3

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Uninstallation Step – 3

4. After uninstallation competed successfully, click “Close” button.

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Uninstallation Step – 4

Voodoo RPA Orchestrator Uninstallation Step – 4