E-Mail Notification Service

by Voodoo Editor
2 years ago

Table of Contents

Voodoo RPA E-Mail Notification Service

What is E-Mail Notification Service?

Voodoo RPA Notification Service is a Windows service that is responsible for sending e-mails and its attachments. That background service is used by various business layer components (e.g., studio – email step, unified console – e-mail scheduled tasks).

sc.exe create VooDooNTFService binpath="C:\VoodooNtf\VooDooNotificationService.exe"

Service Configuration

Service configuration file VooDooNotificationService.exe.config is under installation path of Voodoo RPA. Default path is C:\Program Files\OneZero\VooDoo\NotificationService.

Property Description
MySQLConnectionString Encrypted MySql Connection DSN string. That string can be populated from Voodoo Studio.

Note: Open DSN string is Server={serverip/name};Port={serverport};Database={databasename};Uid={username};Pwd={password};. At Voodoo RPA fresh installation this value is predefined, no need to change.

SmtpHost Default value is null. Write here your SMTP server host ip/name.
Smtport Default value is null. Write here your SMTP server port. (e.g, 25, 587)
SecureSocketOption Default value is 4 – StartTLS. Options are:

Property Description
None Not secure connection.
Auto Automatic detaction of using security.
SSLOnConnect Use SSL.
StartTLS Use TLS.
StartTLSWhenAvailable Use TLS when available
MailFrom Default value is null. Write here your From: header like mymail@example.com
MailUser Default value is null. Write here your e-mail account user name to authenticate. That maybe is your whole e-mail address or name before @ sign. Leave blank, if your server IP is relayed.
MailPassword Default value is null. Write here your e-mail account password to authenticate. Leave blank, if your server IP is relayed.
PersistMailConnection Default value is 1. “1” is Persistent, “0” is Non-Persistent that is mean server connection will be reopen for every e-mail.
BatchCount Default value is 3. That is integer value. In every timer tick that number of e-mail will be send. “0” means all e-mails.
AlwaysSendAsHtml Default value is 1. “0” is for sending e-mail as text that is mean html rich text will be shown as text.
TryCount Default value is 3. That is integer value. If e-mail send process failed, that number times will be repeat to send e-mail again.
Timeout Default value is 20000. That is miliseconds value. That duriation will represent maximum execution time of process (connection + sending).

Monitoring Notification Service?

To monitor and manage the Notification Service, you can use Voodoo Unified Console Addon. On Addons > E-Mail Cron Jobs console, all e-mails can be listed and edited.

Voodoo RPA Notification Service Monitoring

Voodoo RPA Notification Service Monitoring