Get Value of a Single Cell

by Voodoo Editor
2 years ago

Table of Contents

    Excel : Get Value of a Single Cell

    It is the expression step under Excel Option, which is among the Expression Steps.
    Expression Step -> Action -> Expression Group -> Excel
    Expression -> Get Value of a Single Cell

    Use this statement step if you want to save the value in the Row and Column Number to the Data Source, on a worksheet you specify in the Excel File in the Scenario.

  • General Information
  • Parameter Description
    Name The name of application execution step. (Compulsory)
    Description The description of application execution step. (Not Compulsory)
  • Region
  • Parameter Description
    Related Flow Image The using image during this step. (Compulsory)
  • Action
  • Parameter Description
    Expression Type There are two options, Structural and Free.
    Structural : It uses the prepared expression script.
    Free : Allows you to customize the existing expression script
    Expression Group : Excel This is the part where you can apply all the expression steps related to Excel.
    Expression Get Value of a Single Cell
  • Expression Parameters
  • Parameter Description
    File Path Parameter File Path parameter required to access Excel File.
    Data Source : Excel gets File Path from Data Source.
    Constant : Get the Excel File Path, the entered file path, from the user statically.
    Scenario Parameter : It gets the Excel File Path from the parameter coming from the scenario within the scenario operation.
    Worksheet Name This is the parameter to enter the name of the worksheet you want to search in the Excel File.
    Row Number This is the parameter to specify the row order of the value to be retrieved.
    Column Number This is the parameter to specify the column order of the value to be retrieved.
    Data Source to Save This is the parameter to specify the Data Source Field to Save the Value.
    Data Source Field This is the parameter in the Data Source, in which field this record will be kept.
  • Time Settings
  • Parameter Description
    Maximum Step Completion Time The time to the end of completion for step if Run to The End of Completion of Application style is chosen. (Compulsory)
    Wait Time After Execution Request The wait time to pass next step. (Compulsory)
  • Scenario Flow
  • Parameter Description
    Step Flow Indicates the step flow type. (Compulsory)

    Ordered The flow type to continue sequentially.
    Conditional The flow type to continue conditionally.

    • On Success
    • This step turns to another step on success. You can choose End to terminate the scenario step.

    • On Fail
    • This step turns to another step on fail. You can choose End to terminate the scenario step.